Sunucudaki bileşenleri nasıl öğrenebilirim?
- 21-12-2007, 01:08:26asp
<% Dim emailList(4), uploadList(4), otherList(2), wLCID(124), inCount, rLang emailList(0) = Array( "ASP Mail","SMTPsvg.Mailer","N","Email" ) emailList(1) = Array( "CDO NTS","CDONTS.NewMail","N","Email" ) emailList(2) = Array( "CDOSYS","CDO.Message","N","Email" ) emailList(3) = Array( "Dimac JMail","JMail.Message","N","Email" ) emailList(4) = Array( "Persits ASPEmail","Persits.MailSender","N","Email" ) uploadList(0) = Array( "ASP Simple Upload","ASPSimpleUpload.Upload","N","Upload" ) uploadList(1) = Array( "ASP Smart Upload","aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload","N","Upload" ) uploadList(2) = Array( "Dundas Upload","Dundas.Upload.2","N","Upload" ) uploadList(3) = Array( "Persits File Upload","Persits.Upload.1","N","Upload" ) uploadList(4) = Array( "Soft Artisans File Upload","SoftArtisans.FileUp","N","Upload" ) otherList(0) = Array( "ActiveX Data Object","ADODB.Connection","Y" ,"Required for Database Operations") otherList(1) = Array( "File System Object","Scripting.FileSystemObject","Y", "Required for Upload Operations" ) otherList(2) = Array( "Microsoft XML Engine","Microsoft.XMLDOM","N","Required for XML Operations" ) Function checkObject( comIdentity ) On Error Resume Next checkObject = False Err = 0 Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject( comIdentity ) If Err = 0 Then checkObject = True Set xTestObj = Nothing Err = 0 End Function Public Function CheckCOM(byVal comList, byRef inCount) Dim strTxt strTxt = "" inCount = 0 For Idx = LBound( comList ) To UBound( comList ) Provider = Idx If checkObject( comList(Idx)(1) ) Then strTxt = strTxt & vbTab & "" & comList(Idx)(0) & "" & VbCrlf strTxt = strTxt & "<font color=""green"">Server'da bileşen yüklü ( " & comList(Idx)(3) & " )</font><br>" & VbCrlf inCount = inCount + 1 Else strTxt = strTxt & vbTab & " " & comList(Idx)(0) & " " & VbCrlf strTxt = strTxt & "<font color=""red"">Server'da bileşen yüklü değil ( " & comList(Idx)(3) & " )</font><br>" & VbCrlf End If Next strTxt = strTxt & "" & VbCrlf CheckCOM = strTxt End Function Function QuickSort(Arr,loBound,hiBound) If hiBound - loBound = 1 then If Arr(loBound) > Arr(hiBound) then temp=Arr(loBound) Arr(loBound) = Arr(hiBound) Arr(hiBound) = temp End If End If pivot = Arr(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2)) Arr(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2)) = Arr(loBound) Arr(loBound) = pivot loSwap = loBound + 1 hiSwap = hiBound Do While loSwap < hiSwap and Arr(loSwap) <= pivot loSwap = loSwap + 1 Wend While Arr(hiSwap) > pivot hiSwap = hiSwap - 1 Wend If loSwap < hiSwap then temp = Arr(loSwap) Arr(loSwap) = Arr(hiSwap) Arr(hiSwap) = temp End If Loop while loSwap < hiSwap Arr(loBound) = Arr(hiSwap) Arr(hiSwap) = pivot If loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(Arr,loBound,hiSwap-1) End If If hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(Arr,hiSwap+1,hiBound) End If QuickSort=Arr End Function Response.write "" & VbCrlf Response.Write "" & VbCrlf Response.Write "<b>Bileşenler:</b><br>" & VbCrlf Response.Write "" & VbCrlf Response.Write( CheckCOM(emailList,inCount) ) If inCount = 0 Then Response.Write "" & VbCrlf Response.Write "<b>Server da hiçbir email bileşeni yüklü değil</b>" & VbCrlf Response.Write "" & VbCrlf End If Response.Write( CheckCOM(uploadList,inCount) ) If inCount = 0 Then Response.Write "" & VbCrlf Response.Write "<b>Server da hiçbir upload bileşeni yüklü değil</b>" & VbCrlf Response.Write "" & VbCrlf End If on error goto 0 %>