• 30-10-2012, 01:14:46
    Arkadaşlar webmaster toolsuma gelen mesaj bu . Ne demek istemişler açıklar mısınız?

    We noticed that you have very similar pages served by both agames.com and bgames.com (for example, "http://www.agames.com/"). Google is currently showing the bgames.com version in search results. For more information about this message and what you can do if you prefer the other way, please see this Help Center article.
    Message ID: CSO85515. Please include this ID in any messages you post in our Help forum.
    Google Search Quality Team
  • 30-10-2012, 19:11:13
    Yönlendirme yapmamışsın galiba, iki sitenin sayfaları birbirine benziyor diyor