Matts Cutts bugun bir konferansta webmaster tools icin yeni bir arac gelistirdiklerini acikladi.
Yeni aracin ismi "disavow links tool". sitenize gelen ve sizin onaylamadigimiz linkleri bu arac araciligiyla reddedebilecegiz.
Bu yenlik henuz beta, simdiden bazi webmasterlara denetiliyormus.
Matt Cutts, bu aracin dikkatle kullanilmasini, once size linki veren siteye ulasip linki kaldirmaya calismamiz gerektigini soylemis.
Bu arada bazi hesaplarda simdiden gozukmeye baslamis ->
Google is launching a new “disavow links” tool. The tool was announced by the head of Google’s web spam team Matt Cutts, when speaking at the
Pubcon conference today.
Google will be formally announcing details in about an hour or so, Cutts said. The tool has been in beta testing with select SEOs already.
Cutts warns that the tool, when available, should be used with caution. He also warned that site owners should still try to remove links by messaging other publishers first.
The format will be to list URLs in a text file. You’ll use a domain: format to say links you don’t want trusted such as:
Link saldirisiyla antiseo yapanlari durdurabilecek bir yenilik. Hayirli olsun.