AZ once mailime baktigimda gonderilen Google adsense epostasini gordum. Ilginctir spam kontrolunden kurtulmus. Bu gmailde herzaman olmayacak bisey, cunku gmailin spam korumasi diger sirketlere gore cok daha iyi. Neyse ilginctir hersey gercekten adsenseden geldigini gosteriyordu. TAbi bunlardan bir kaci dikkat edilince fark ediliyorki bu e-posta FAKE (sahte).
1 – Benim bu mail ile ilgili bir adsense hesabim yok
2 – Linkler google adsense seklinde duzenlenmis, ama maus ile uzerine gelince veya tiklayinca farkli bir siteye gitmekte.
Ben e-postayi buraya ekliyorum, linklere tiklamamaniz icin duzenlenmistir Siz siz olun bu tur epostalara mutlaka dikkat edin
According to our records, you’ve passed the payment threshold and are eligible to receive an AdSense payment later this month — if you have no holds on your account.
You have until end of day Pacific time (GMT -8 hours), on the 15th of this month, to resolve any account issues and still be included in this month’s disbursement.
To make sure this your account is in good standing to receive a payment, please log into your account at .
You’ll see more information in the pink box on your Overview page when you log in. If you are already testing the new AdSense interface, you’ll find more information under “Alerts” on your Overview page.
Remember, if EFT is available in your country, we encourage you to sign up. For more information please visit:
Congratulations! We hope you receive your payment soon.
The Google AdSense Team
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Google Adsense Adi altinda gonderilen maillere dikkat!
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