• 20-01-2010, 23:02:26
    Üyeliği durduruldu
    Arkadaşlar ben adsense'ye kabul edilmiştim.. Fakat bir süre sitemi dondurdum. Daha sonra tekrar açtım. Gmail hesabıma ne yaptıysam ulaşamadım şifreler felan hepsi yanlış diyor. Herşeyi denedim ama olmadı.

    Başka bi google hesabı açarak tekrar başvuru yaptım adsense'ye.

    Fakat bana aşşağıdaki bi e-mail'i attılar. İngilizce olduğundan pek bişey anlamadım. Orda eski google hesabım geçiyordu. Sanırım başka bi hesaptan bu site onaylanmış felan bişeyler diyor. Siz ne diyorsunuz. ? eğer tahmin ettiğim gibiyse onu iptal etme seçeneğim yokmu. Bi çıkış yolu bilen varmı?

    Hello B************,

    Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. While reviewing your
    application, we noticed that your account information matches a currently
    approved AdSense account associated with *******@gmail.com. Because our
    policies do not permit multiple accounts, we're unable to accept your new
    application at this time. However, please remember that the ad code from
    your account can be used on any website that complies with our program

    You have several options:

    1. If you have access to your AdSense account and would like to update
    your AdSense login email address, please visit
    https://www.google.com/adsense/suppo...y?answer=12745 .

    2. If you have forgotten the password to your account, visit
    http://www.google.com/adsensepassword. We will then work with you to reset
    your password.

    3. If you aren't able to sign in to your AdSense account or access the
    email address associated with your account, we can close your existing
    account and open a new account with the application you recently
    submitted. Any account settings, reports, or earnings less than $10 (or
    local equivalent) from your closed account will not be paid out or
    transferred to your new account, according to the AdSense Terms and
    Conditions ( http://www.google.com/adsense/terms ). You'll also need to
    replace the current ad code on your site with the code generated from your
    new account.

    To continue with this process, please visit

    For help getting started with your existing AdSense account, please visit
    http://www.google.com/adsense/suppor...y?answer=81558 .


    The Google AdSense Team
  • 21-01-2010, 09:53:01
    http://www.google.com/adsensepassword buna tıkla e-mail adresini yaz şifren mail ine gelsin bi daha neden başvuruyorsun ki.