• 08-08-2008, 08:42:33
    Bu şekılde maıl gelmıs nedir bu arkadaslar ?

    Dear Advertiser,
    We were unable to process your payment.
    Your ads will be suspended soon unless we can process your payment.
    To prevent your ads from being suspended, please update your payment information.
    Please sign in
    to your account at AdWords'a Hoş Geldiniz <http://www.adwords.google.com.groupsxc.cn/select/Login> , and update your payment information.
    We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available.
    Thank you for advertising with Google AdWords.
  • 08-08-2008, 08:50:53
    Token adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    Bu şekılde maıl gelmıs nedir bu arkadaslar ?
    Dear Advertiser,
    We were unable to process your payment.
    Your ads will be suspended soon unless we can process your payment.
    To prevent your ads from being suspended, please update your payment information.
    Please sign in
    to your account at AdWords'a Hoş Geldiniz <http://www.adwords.google.com.groupsxc.cn/select/Login> , and update your payment information.
    We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available.
    Thank you for advertising with Google AdWords.
    geçenlerde bana da gelmişti ayı mailde bendeki sorun pin gelmeme sorunuydu bu nedenden reklemlar çıkamdım pin girinceye kadar
  • 08-08-2008, 08:56:27
    Üyeliği durduruldu
    Token adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    Bu şekılde maıl gelmıs nedir bu arkadaslar ?

    Dear Advertiser,
    We were unable to process your payment.
    Your ads will be suspended soon unless we can process your payment.
    To prevent your ads from being suspended, please update your payment information.
    Please sign in
    to your account at AdWords'a Hoş Geldiniz <Welcome to AdWords> , and update your payment information.
    We look forward to providing you with the most effective advertising available.
    Thank you for advertising with Google AdWords.
    fake mail
  • 08-08-2008, 09:13:53
    giden adresi dikkatli okuyun
  • 08-08-2008, 09:21:54
    Eposta Aktivasyonu Gerekmekte
    inanmayın bunlar sakın
  • 26-08-2008, 23:59:06
    Aynı mail spam olarak gelmeye devam ediyor.

    adres olarak gözüken linke tıkladığınızda bambaşka bir fake adrese gidiyorsunuz. Dikkatli olun, hesaplarınız elinizden gitmesin.
  • 27-08-2008, 00:05:55
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