• 15-07-2008, 23:28:21
    Dear Kavustur,

    Welcome to Google Affiliate Network, formerly DoubleClick Performics. We can help you connect with quality advertisers, establish productive relationships, and generate more revenue.

    Your network application has been reviewed and approved. You are now ready to join advertiser programs, get links and start earning commissions.

    Getting Started:
    To login: Affiliate & Search Marketing Platform Login
    Username: qa***el@gmail.com
    Password: ****

    Click on setup > personal to change your password to something that is secure but easy to remember. You should also review your communications preferences for email communications and opt-in for Non Joined Advertiser Opportunities. This feature will enable advertisers to contact you directly about new affiliate marketing relationships.

    If you would like to change the address for future email communication, please visit Setup > Profile.

    You can visit or download the Pu blisher User Guide for product documentation and specific instructions here: http://kb.doubleclick.com/article.as...cle=**********.

    Join Programs-
    Navigate to the Advertisers tab in ConnectCommerce. Simply click any and all advertiser affiliate programs you want to join. Within this section you can learn about advertiser programs, review terms, and view payout rankings. You will be notified via email when advertiser-specific program applications have been reviewed.

    You can view the status of an advertiser application here:
    Affiliate & Search Marketing Platform Login. If the advertiser does not appear in the Pending list, select either Approved or Declined to see if the advertiser recently approved or declined your application.

    How to Get Links-
    Get Links- allows you to search and filter on links from advertisers with whom you have a relationship. Navigate to Advertisers > A pproved, and then select Get Links [Beta] from the Action Drop Down menu.

    Newest Links- allows you to search and filter on ALL links within the past 7 days across ALL advertisers. This shows you the newest links from ALL advertisers regardless of your relationship status. Navigate to Get Links > newest links.

    Orangelinks- is a link delivery service that sends you the type of links you want via email or FTP. Sign up to receive orangelinks by promotion, size, and banner/text in one online form. Navigate to Get Links > orangelinks.

    You can access real-time sales data, run performance reports and build and save new reports in ConnectCommerce. Once you login you can view each report option under the Reports tab.

    We look forward to the start of a long and productive relationship.

    You can contact Publisher Support with questions by emailing affiliatesupport@google.com.


    Google Affiliate Netwo rk

    / Az evvel geldi ne diyor nedir bu
  • 15-07-2008, 23:30:17
    siten ingilizce mi ? ben dun başvurdum, henuz turkiye icin reklam yayınımız yok dediler
  • 15-07-2008, 23:41:07
    myqatsel adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    Dear Kavustur,
    Welcome to Google Affiliate Network, formerly DoubleClick Performics. We can help you connect with quality advertisers, establish productive relationships, and generate more revenue.
    Your network application has been reviewed and approved. You are now ready to join advertiser programs, get links and start earning commissions.
    Getting Started:
    To login: Affiliate & Search Marketing Platform Login
    Username: qa***el@gmail.com
    Password: ****
    Click on setup > personal to change your password to something that is secure but easy to remember. You should also review your communications preferences for email communications and opt-in for Non Joined Advertiser Opportunities. This feature will enable advertisers to contact you directly about new affiliate marketing relationships.
    If you would like to change the address for future email communication, please visit Setup > Profile.
    You can visit or download the Pu blisher User Guide for product documentation and specific instructions here: http://kb.doubleclick.com/article.as...cle=**********.
    Join Programs-
    Navigate to the Advertisers tab in ConnectCommerce. Simply click any and all advertiser affiliate programs you want to join. Within this section you can learn about advertiser programs, review terms, and view payout rankings. You will be notified via email when advertiser-specific program applications have been reviewed.
    You can view the status of an advertiser application here:
    Affiliate & Search Marketing Platform Login. If the advertiser does not appear in the Pending list, select either Approved or Declined to see if the advertiser recently approved or declined your application.
    How to Get Links-
    Get Links- allows you to search and filter on links from advertisers with whom you have a relationship. Navigate to Advertisers > A pproved, and then select Get Links [Beta] from the Action Drop Down menu.
    Newest Links- allows you to search and filter on ALL links within the past 7 days across ALL advertisers. This shows you the newest links from ALL advertisers regardless of your relationship status. Navigate to Get Links > newest links.
    Orangelinks- is a link delivery service that sends you the type of links you want via email or FTP. Sign up to receive orangelinks by promotion, size, and banner/text in one online form. Navigate to Get Links > orangelinks.
    You can access real-time sales data, run performance reports and build and save new reports in ConnectCommerce. Once you login you can view each report option under the Reports tab.
    We look forward to the start of a long and productive relationship.
    You can contact Publisher Support with questions by emailing affiliatesupport@google.com.
    Google Affiliate Netwo rk
    / Az evvel geldi ne diyor nedir bu

    googlenin yeni reklam sistemine kabul edilmişsiniz giriş bilgileriniz ile giriş yapabilirsiniz diyor kısacası
  • 15-07-2008, 23:43:14
    Üyeliği durduruldu
    kendin spam yapmıyorsun değil mi Adnan
  • 16-07-2008, 09:58:23
    yeni Google Affiliate Network'una katılmışsın. Hayırlı uğurlu olsun diyor.
  • 16-07-2008, 10:03:01
    MrPcKoPaT adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    yeni Google Affiliate Network'una katılmışsın. Hayırlı uğurlu olsun diyor.
    Hayirli Olsun Diyelim O zman
  • 16-07-2008, 10:18:59
    EuDownload adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    ...henuz turkiye icin reklam yayınımız yok dediler
    biz insan değilmiyiz la Google?
  • 16-07-2008, 13:01:11
    sağolun sağolunda ingilizce sitem yok türk sitemle başvurmuştum ancak içeri deki sistemden de bişey anlamadım(ingilizce) ayrıca reklamlar google tavsiye gibi girip üye ol bilmemne al sana %15 komisyon..

    Nefret ederim bu tür reklamlardan zaten ingilizce reklamlar türk site de işe yaramaz.

    Kullanmayacağım.. Belki ilerde Türkiye reklamları da olur o zaman bakarız..

    Zaten söylenmişti tavsiyeler başka bir alan adı altında devam edecek orası burasıymış ama firefox yok
  • 16-07-2008, 13:15:18
    tam olarak ne işe yarıyor bu sistem açıklayabilecek var mı?Hangi tarz sitelere yönelik?