• 18-05-2013, 00:37:52
    Üyeliği durduruldu
    Arkadaşlar başvurum reddedildi. Bana gelen mail'de google politikalarına uygun olmadığı yazıyor. Fakat detayları anlayamadım, yardımcı olabilecek var mı?

    Thank you for your interest in expanding your Google AdSense account to implement ad code on your own website. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we're unable to approve this application for the time being. Your existing AdSense account that allows you to show ads on partner sites is not affected by this disapproval.

    We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.


    - Site does not comply with Google policies


    Further detail:

    Site does not comply with Google policies: We're unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because we feel that your site does not comply with Google AdSense policies or webmaster quality guidelines. It's our goal to provide our advertisers sites that offer rich and meaningful content, receive organic traffic, and allow us to serve well-targeted ads to users. We believe that currently your site does not fulfill this criteria.

    For more details, please read the webmaster quality guidelines at http://www.google.com/support/webmas...y?answer=35769 and the AdSense program policies at http://www.google.com/support/adsens...y?answer=48182.


    You can find more details and application tips at https://support.google.com/adsense/b...y?answer=75109.

    To update and resubmit your application, please make all the necessary changes as described in the disapproval message. Then you can visit the “Account setting” tab in your AdSense account and resubmit your request. Our specialists will review your account for compliance with our program policies, so please make sure to resolve all of the issues listed above before resubmitting.

    For a complete list of AdSense criteria, please visit:

    If you have any questions, you're welcome to contact us at https://support.google.com/adsense/bin/request.py? at any time.


    The Google AdSense Team
  • 18-05-2013, 01:25:46
    sitedeki içeriğin ne kadar olduğunu ve hangi konuda olduğunu söylerseniz yardımcı olabiliriz hocam
  • 18-05-2013, 01:44:18
    Üyeliği durduruldu
    hozukcan adlı üyeden alıntı: mesajı görüntüle
    sitedeki içeriğin ne kadar olduğunu ve hangi konuda olduğunu söylerseniz yardımcı olabiliriz hocam
    Site bu hocam: http://modagelinlik.org