<script language='JavaScript1.2'>  
//Disable select-text script (IE4+, NS6+)- By Andy Scott
//Exclusive permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script
//Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script 
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
//if IE4+
document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) 
//if NS6
if (window.sidebar){
                <script language='JavaScript'>curPage=1;
document.oncontextmenu = function(){return false}
if(document.layers) {
    window.onmousedown = function(e){
        if(e.target==document)return false;
else {
    document.onmousedown = function(){return false}
bnm kulladıgım bu süper calısıo , sağ tık engelliyo bide yazı falan seçilmiyo